Saturday, June 18, 2016


Here We Go Again!!!!  There Just seems to be no drug for this TRAVEL BUG we've got!

I started the trip with a visit to Julie in The Napa area. She Lives outside of St. Helena in a lovely little cottage on a vineyard.

I was with her from Wednesday the 8th till Tuesday the 14th...... It is ALWAYS fabulous to see her, share a little bit of her life and enjoy wine country with her. In June the nights are cool but the days are sunny and very warm. My visit with her ended with a flight from SFO to ANCHORAGE ALASKA, to meet up with Ray, Dave and Kait for a Cruise on the SILVERSEA boat called "The Silver Shadow". Its a week touring the Alaskan Coastline from Anchorage to Vancouver.  Julie was sadly unable to join us....

When I come upon this scenery, I know I am approaching the road to St Helena and Julie Heaven! The vines are small and fresh and bright green in June.

NOW.... ALASKA!!!!
While I was with Julie, Ray flew to Fairbanks, Alaska and took a ride in a small plane to view the famous Mount Denali ( formerly known as Mt. McKinley) from above. This is the highest mountain in North America at over 20,000 feet.  The next 3 shots Ray took from the plane as he and the pilot flew around Denali.......

They got very close to the mountain here

Denali showing the massive size

Mt Denali peaking through the clouds in the distance

On Wednesday morning, June 15th we all met up in Anchorage at the Captain Cook Hotel. We spent Wednesday visiting the town. A glorious sunny Day ...... Julie was unable to join us as she was still recovering from an operation and was too sore to make the trip. She is much better now,
4 days later. The timing of the trip was just a bit too soon for Julie.

Dave, Kait and Cyn in Downtown Anchorage
We had a really fun lunch at the "Glacier Brewery" Restaurant. We tasted several delicious beers they make. The town had a Western feel and lots of Salmon, and there were reindeer hot dogs for sale ..... (random!) Dinner was Alaskan King Crab legs and fresher than ever Salmon at a great steak and seafood place called "Simon & Seafort's"..... overlooking the bay.

Thursday morning, June 16th we boarded a train to take us to the port at Seward to meet our Cruise ship. WE are on a SILVERSEA boat that accommodates 360 passengers and 300 crew members. This is a small line owned by an Italian Family. Our Boat is called The "Silver Shadow".

Our Train from Anchorage to Seward on Thursday, June 16th. Seward is s small fishing town on Resurrection Bay about 120 miles South of Anchorage.

Dave and Kait on the train
It was a very relaxing afternoon..... Adjusting to Alaska life and taking in the views.

This is an example of the fabulous viewing from the Train!! Mountain ranges surrounded us. This one shows a big glacier in the mountain pass. Incredible.

At 6pm on Thursday, our Cruise ship departed from the Harbor in Seward, Alaska. We are on a 360 passenger boat owned by the Italian Company "Silver Sea"...... our boat is called the Silver Shadow, and it is a beauty.

On our first day at sea, Ray and I went to the spa for a travel relief massage. As we emerged, the ship was cruising right up to the HUBBARD GLACIER so we could all have a good look. "Calving" Activity was going on and the glacier was heaving and groaning and dropping large chunks of ice into the surrounding water. It was pretty dramatic.

Day 2 was a stop at the Historic town of SITKA. It's full of history, as it was once the principal town inhabited by the Russian explorers who at one time considered Alaska theirs. If you look on a map , the Bering Sea Separates Western Alaska ( near Juno) from the Eastern tip of Russia. It is only about 60 miles wide....... .......

Ray's shot of the interior of the Russian Orthodox Church in Sitka

A beautiful totem pole stands in front of the "Pioneer House", one of Sitka's largest buildings.

Sitka's port

Ray shot our boat sitting out in the water offshore from Sitka, as the harbor had no place for us to dock. People rode to town in little "Tender" Boats. 

A great shot of Downtown JUNO, Alaska Capitol City. Taken from the deck of our ship. We walked around town and stayed for dinner in a sports bar to watch the final game of the NBA Series. That was a rowdy good time!

Clouds cover the mountaintop, but oh, what a beautiful glacier.........

Sunday, June 19th , was Fathers Day.... Ray and Dave went Salmon Fishing together. They witnessed this eagle swooping down to the water and grabbing a fish in its talons and carrying it off. Dave has a video of it.

After the Juno fishing trip, Ray and Dave , and Kait rode up to the top of the mountain on  the Telepheric......
Kait took a portrait of our guys. It was a glorious sunny day.

Next stop was the port of SKAGWAY.  There we many excursion options from here. Ray and I chose the Wildlife seeking trip.  WE rode a local passenger ferry to the town of HAINES. Met our Guide, who took us in her van along back roads to view the REAL ALASKA. The next several photos are 
shots from Haines and our wildlife seeking day.  We had a good time but didn't see much wildlife.

A final shot of the countryside around Haines.

The Boys on the salmon fishing boat

Here's to the great White North!

An amazing glacier from above. I took this shot from my phone on my excursion to the salmon lodge lunch. We flew over several big ones like this.

Our intrepid photographer relaxing on the Salmon boat.

Ketchikan was our final stop. We didn't explore it too much as we were tired and it was a rainy day.

Chef displaying the salmon he is about to "Break Down"

A final shot of the countryside around Haines.

Our cruise ended in VANCOUVER. Here is a shot of a cruise boat that looks a lot like ours coming into the dock.

Ray, Cyn, Dave and Kait after our last breakfast in our Vancouver Hotel.


  1. Glad to see you all made it. The air is so clean in Alaska that you can see many more miles than back in the lower 48...enjoy!
